Sunday, November 6, 2011


I have to admit that I loved blogging everyday to raise awareness of Down syndrome. I think my mission was accomplished. Facebook is a wonderful thing and it's also where I get most of my views from. I have many "friends" on Facebook who I haven't seen in years but I have been receiving messages from them letting me know how much they loved the daily posts. I appreciate every single reader because it means that I have reached one more person while raising awareness about Ds. So a big THANK YOU for reading!

Now I haven't blogged since Monday so today's post will just be a quick recap of the week. Nothing deep. But I have lots of pictures!

This week has been jammed pack full of exciting happenings. I'm still adjusting to being back at work as this was my first full week back. I have so much to do but feel like I'm finally able to cross items off of my to do list. I have to admit it is nice to see Andy when he picks up or drops off Harper. It's just a few minutes but it's still nice.

Harper had a check up with the cardiologists NP this week. She added the 3rd and final med that Harper will be on before her surgery. She also was weighed. Wait for it.....7 pounds and 11 ounces! I know that most babies come out around this weight and that Harper is 9 (almost 10) weeks old but I'm so proud of my little muffin!

Friday was my 30th birthday. It was pretty uneventful. Just a normal day at work and dinner with friends (thanks Simon's!) I am excited and waiting (not patiently) for my new iPhone! I'm so excited that every time a commercial for the new iPhone comes on I am smiling ear to ear! Just 3 more days and I'll have my new toy to play with.

Saturday Andy and I had our first outing together without Harper. My parents came to watch her while we went to the Badger game. I enjoyed a few Blood Mary's and the Badger win!

Today was a shopping, relaxing, and Packer day. Have a great week! 

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