Saturday, December 31, 2011

A New Year

Last year at this time Andy and I were in California to watch the Badgers in the Rose Bowl. Despite the loss and the crazy way we got there, I would do it again. And I'm grateful for that trip, probably the best trip of my life because ....pause for warning of too much information....that is where Harper was created. Gag. I know I apologize. But honestly that trip created the best year ever for me. Without that trip I wouldn't be where I am now. Snuggling with my little angel. My pregnancy and my daughter is the best thing that ever happened to me. It wasn't an easy year on my emotions and 2012 is going to be the same right from the start.

I have never had a new year's resolution that I stuck with. But honestly who has? This year I'm not even going to pretend to have one. What I am looking forward to? A successful and uncomplicated heart surgery for Harper. My goal is to be a strong mama for little H. If I'm strong and calm she will be too.

I am overwhelmed by the number of emails, comments, and posts that have been sent my way. I open my email every day expecting nothing and I have many emails to respond to. THANK YOU! Harper hasn't even had her surgery yet but I feel the love. Big time.

As this weekend and year winds down I am busy getting ready. Trying to get the house back in order, trying to pack for the hospital (any advice is appreciated), and savoring every moment with H.  She's trying so hard to hold her head up all the time. She is a part time head holder but my guess is she will be a full time head holder the day of her surgery. Not sure if that's good or bad!

I promise to post again before the surgery and definitely throughout the process. If you are on Facebook and we are not friends yet please find me and add me!


Laura said...

2012 is going to be a wonderful year for Harper! I think of you often as her surgery comes closer.

Leah said...

What a beautiful girl you have! Sending lots of good thoughts for her surgery. I sincerely hope it'll be as successful and wonderful as our own little girl's was just 9 months ago.

Kylie said...

You can do it! I know as a mom we worry constantly, and as someone who spent time in the NICU with my baby for his lung issues, I know how scary it is and how helpless you feel. But like you already know, she's a fighter and everything will be ok. You are in my prayers!