Sunday, December 4, 2011

Heart Update

Through the usual hustle and bustle that this time of year brings, this year we add on having an infant. And also a gazillion doctor appointments. 

Wednesday we had an Echo scheduled and then an appointment with the cardiologist to discuss the Echo. While nothing new was found on the Echo we did have a major conversation about Harper's eating. She definitely had changed her eating habits. A few weeks ago she was sick, put on Pedialyte and just didn't eat the same as she did before she was sick. She now spits up/throws up. Makes a momma nervous when she is supposed to be eating major calories each day. The good news? While we were in the Echo and the cardiologist was there (which is rare) Harper spit up/threw up. A lot. Like really a lot. We had a professional witness to what we had been dealing with and wishing to not happen. She determined it was reflux. Now I love my daughter but can I get a "really?" or "seriously?" or a "what else?" This reflux demands another prescription. The pharmacist's at Target know me by name....I'm not kidding. 

The other news is that one of her ventricles is still "borderline" and we need to pray that becomes normal before her surgery. Or that it really isn't a problem when the surgery begins. There are many reasons to be worried but this is the main one that is constantly in my mind. 

More good news....Harper me. Just like everyone else! She thinks her momma is funny and I love that! She is smiling all the time, laughing, and babbling. 

For now, life goes on. I continue to worry as I will until we are out of the hospital. I can't help but have visions that something bad will happen but I know that's normal. But I have more visions of bringing my baby home and watching her grow so she can keep laughing at me! 

To all of my new followers...welcome and thank you. To all of you have leave comments or send me emails about OHS....thank you and please keep them coming. It may seem silly but reading comments from perfect strangers really helps me be positive. Feel free to pass this blog along to someone else who may enjoy it, someone to say a prayer, or someone that wants to see the cutest baby ever! 

Here are a few new pictures for you to enjoy! 


Jacquelyn said...

This new picture of Harper covered in Christmas balls is my favorite picture of THEM ALL, of them ALL! I'm sorry she needs another new medicine, but hopefully it will make eating easier and more fun right away, for both her and Mom and Dad. In any case, Harper is hands-down the most stylish pill-popper I know. Valley of the Doll. xoxoxo

Holly. said...

LOVE all her Christmas pictures!! :) We'll keep Harper in our thoughts and prayers over the next months.

John Of All Trades said...

Always thinking of you and praying very hard for calm, peace and comfort for you during the coming days, as well as Harper's health and safety in her coming surgery. I understand that the stories we have had in our community lately must strike terror in a heart already consumed with fear. They terrify ME and we're already through. Try not to focus too much on the bad......I get to see the rewards of that surgery every single day and they are indeed amazing! Again, if you need anything, please don't hesitate to email me or message me on facebook or hit me up on our blog.
Absolutely love precious Harper's pictures!!!! Hope the new medicine helps (and don't feel too bad..the pharmacist at our local CVS knew me by face while I was pregnant!)

Heidi Ehle said...

That last comment (the John of All Trades one) was from me! Apparently my hubby didn't log out of his account! lol Sorry!

Mama Bird said...

Baby+Christmas bulbs=ridiculously cute!!! Sorry to hear about the reflux but hopefully the new med will help and prevent an excorcist scene.

Meriah said...

oh my - such preciousness! xoxo

holly said...

So sweet Kaiti! Love the pictures. Jace had reflux too. Let me know if you have any questions or need support. Is she sleeping well with it?? We elevated his bed on one end to help, had him on prevacid, used Chiropractors and worked hard to keep him upright after meals. Also mixed rice cereal in his milk to keep it down better. Such a bummer to have that on top of every thing else. : (

The Holt's said...

Thinking about you and Harper. I will be praying for Harper and her upcoming surgery. Isabelle had her OHS in September at 4months. It is amazing the difference in her shortly after the recovery. She is eating like a champ now!