Sunday, April 15, 2012

Onward and Upward

Well we did it. We are facing the bullet head on and officially have our house on the market. It was easy until I saw it online and it became all-to-real when the orange and black signed graced our front yard. Selling your house is no joke. Our life is officially in limbo. You want to start looking for a new place but you can't fall in love until your house sells. We have already had 2 showings and the house has only been up since Friday. But my wheels are rolling and I'm itching at the thought of a new place to decorate....I mean a place for my kids to grow up.

Gallery wall is down :(

I also had a change at work. Same job different school. It was a sad decision but the right one to make. It's odd how every decision I make now I have a little H to think about. My new school is 3 minutes from our house (and hopefully the new house) and in the same school district H will be in. With a new school brings a whole new crew-teachers and families. And with a new schools means I have to look the part right?!

Andy doesn't understand why I take pictures like this! 

Showing our support for Hat Day

Harper's milestones: 

Rolling over both directions and rolling off of her tummy.
Gets mad when I don't move the spoon fast enough to her mouth.
What she eats:  peas, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, pears, bananas, apples, potatoes, and zucchini (yes I make it all)
Wearing 6 months tops and 3 month pants
Bows officially stay in the entire day
Babbling all the time
Will sleep on her tummy at school but not at home (yes she moves herself there)
Doesn't like to poop
Naps are limited
She knows she is cute! 

Staring at Brewer
Fav yellow cardigan

On Friday night I babysat Emersyn and Weston at our house. Scratch that, Emersyn babysat me and Harper. Seriously, this 3 year old has mad skills. She is the baby whisperer.

Weston watching over H on the video monitor

And again...

Loved Brewer and throwing treats out the door.
And a few more pics from the week to satisfy your craving...

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